Sunday, March 3, 2019

3/3 More Research

So Ive been watching some behind the scenes footage from a few different horror movies, and ive found some inspiration for our film opening.

After watching the behind the scenes footage of Annabelle on Youtube, I have realized a few techniques we can incorporate in our film opening.
First of all I noted from most of their scenes they appeared to be a perfectly normal and typical family as portrayed in this movie still
Related image
The fact that they seem like an average family, due to their work attire and their small child enhances the scary aspects of the movie because it victimizes the average family, which creates a sense of terror as viewers are able to put themselves in their shoes.

We could incorporate this into our intro by making our main characters appear as an average citizen in every day casual attire.

Another film ive been researching is the Blair Witch Project, ive been particularly interested in their camera movement techniques, which is all mostly handheld this is a very interesting approach because it personalizes what you are watching rather than taking a traditional approach, maybe something we can also incorporate?

I also have been researching ways that we can make a horror movie that actually initiates a reaction in our viewers, i came across this article where they discuss the neurocinematics of horror movies where they explore ways fear can be evoked through film. I am definitely gonna look more into this!

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