Sunday, March 17, 2019

3/17 title ideas

earlier i was reading this article on some blog i found  about the importance of a film title and i found it very interesting just how essential a good title is in a film. not only is it very important for it to e catchy, but for it to be direct. this brought me to the thought of our film and some potential titles we could use in order to set the tone for the journey viewers are going to embark on.  i really want to make it something the viewers will be extremely enticed to find out the context of the words behind the entire movie.

sofia and i cant seem to come up with a title for our film so i thought i would generate a few ideas on here to propose to her tomorrow

since our film is a combination of horror and suspense i think we need a name to match just that
all the suspense movies ive researched are kinda a sum up of the main point in the movie but doesnt give up whats gonna happen like Halloween, the blair witch project, and hush. the names all showcase the main idea but without context it is up to the viewers discretion to guess what it could be about.

because it is a psychological thriller i think it should have something to do with the mind itself, but there are also a number of ways we could go about this

i originally was using this software to generate some random titles but after seeing a few i found some inspiration of my own

"something in the shadows"
"who are you"
"her eyes"
"dimension zero"
"where is my mind"
"endless road"
"generation stray"

these are only a few ive thought of but im gonna ask a few of my peers for input and i will see where that takes me.

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