Sunday, March 17, 2019

3/17 more updates :)

sofia is leaving for europe this spring break! im so excited for her but this means we cant film this week :( instead we will have to wait until she returns but that gives us more time to prepare for what we will actually be filming so i wanted to talk about a few ideas i have in terms of editing and music


So i was thinking in terms of font for the title and after looking at the common ones in film like in halloween

Image result for famous scary movie fonts

but i think this is far too basic and playful for the type of movie opening we want to do
so i kept looking and found this one
Image result for famous scary movie fonts
it fits our theme perfectly, its distorted in such a way that the audience knows almost immediately what type of film they are about to see and the website i would be using to achieve this would be this called urban fonts. very simple to use!

in terms of transitions and cuts i really wanted to do fast paced cuts to emphasize the urgency and suspense we are looking for a little like this
Image result for movie forrest scary gifImage result for movie forrest scary gif


Ok so i havent really discussed this with sofia but im gonna show her my ideas and this post when i see her tomorrow but i found some really cool royalty free suspenseful music to add in the background on this website

as for the forest scene goes, the forest doesnt really have any apparent sounds that can be picked up from the camera, so i found this really realistic nature sounds clip that i think we can add to make it all seem a bit more natural

heres one i found on the website, it is very creepy but subtle so it doesnt really give away what exactly is going on

this one is also pretty cool, also very subtle

i found this one on another website which i really liked because its very eire and suspenseful as it plays the intensity rises and i think that would be perfect for when the driver shows his mentally insane side

Sound effects

I know we are gonna need some added sounds to make it feel more realistic so heres a few i found

this one is foot steps walking on dried leafs which could easily imitate her walking through the forest

i really liked this one to play when she finally gets out of the forest

boy did i get excited about this one! listening to these sounds are giving me so many ideas. i wanna play this sound clip of ears ringing when shes waking up in the forest i think this would look so cool

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